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quantitative system中文是什么意思

用"quantitative system"造句"quantitative system"怎么读"quantitative system" in a sentence


  • 定量分类系统


  • Semi - quantitative system relating matrix based on grey model
  • Complicated the characteristic of the sna method and the hierarchical evaluation method , the shem can quantify the survivability evaluation system , and provide the foundation of quantitative system security evaluation . 3 . the iahp and shem are applied to the survivable evaluation of a news website
    该方法综合了sna方法和层次化安全评估方法的优点,能够量化系统生存性评价体系,为量化系统的安全性评估提供了基础; 3 .采用改进的ahp方法与生存性分层评估方法( shem )对某新闻网进行了安全评估。
  • A new method to build the semi - quantitative system relating matrix was advanced , it was constructed via the dynamic envelopes , which were built by gm ( 1 , 1 ) based on the qualitative binning of observing data current of part variables , and its elements were calculated by the ratio of variable states ' corresponding areas in the dynamic envelopes
    为了实现这一目标,一种新的系统半定量关联矩阵的构建方法被提出,它以系统部分变量观测数据流的定性划分为基础,应用灰色gm ( 1 , 1 )模型建立其系统动态包络,并以动态包络中变量各种状态的对应面积之比作为它们的关联系数。
  • However , today ' s motivation mechanism in higher education institution represented by scholarship system is built on the pinetree - shape operating system which is a cross between qualitative and quantitative system pivoting on students " achievement , with working and feelings as its supplementary factors . under this mechanism are the two behavioral logical factors , namely the stratification effect and individuality effect
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